Innovative Industrial Materials with Advanced Multifunctionality, Prolonged Lifetime and Improved Performance Against Environmental Conditions for Versatile Protective Equipment
The project PROTECT aims at the holistic development of personal shielding media, aiming at modifying the existing anti-ballistic fiber plaques as well as at the production of innovative anti-ballistic textile fabrics made from modified composite fabrics of regenerated cellulose/aramid. To modify the anti-ballistic plaques, new hybrid nanomaterials consisting of innovative, specially designed organic molecules that will carry strategically selected anchoring and functional groups will be employed. The innovative organic molecules will either bind directly to the fibers of interest, or first anchor onto specially modified carbon-based nanostructured materials (nanotubes, graphene) and then bond to the surface of the fibers to be modified (in the form of yarn and/or fabric).
The interdisciplinary consortium has all the guarantees for the successful realization of the project objectives: extensive experience, credibility and ability to manage innovative multidisciplinary research projects, experience in the development of innovative technological applications and infrastructure excellence. In addition, a coherent and effective work plan, along with the well-designed organizational structure and appropriate project management procedures, assure its successful implementation.
Καινοτόμα Βιομηχανικά Υλικά με Προηγμένη Πολυλειτουργικότητα, Παρατεταμένο Χρόνο Ζωής και Αναβαθμισμένη Επίδοση Έναντι Περιβαλλοντικών Συνθηκών για Μέσα Προστασίας Πολλών Χρήσεων
Το έργο PROTECT αποβλέπει στην ολιστική ανάπτυξη ατομικών μέσων θωράκισης, στοχεύοντας στην τροποποίηση των υφιστάμενων αντιβαλλιστικών πλακών και στην παραγωγή καινοτόμου κλωστοϋφαντουργικού φορέα των αντιβαλλιστικών από τροποποιημένο σύμμεικτο ύφασμα με ίνες αναγεννημένης κυτταρίνης/αραμιδίου. Για την τροποποίηση των αντιβαλλιστικών πλακών θα χρησιμοποιηθούν νέα υβριδικά νανοϋλικά, αποτελούμενα από καινοτόμα, ειδικά σχεδιασμένα οργανικά μόρια, που θα φέρουν στρατηγικά επιλεγμένες ομάδες πρόσδεσης και λειτουργικές ομάδες. Τα καινοτόμα οργανικά μόρια είτε θα προσδεθούν απευθείας στις ίνες ενδιαφέροντος, είτε θα συνδεθούν πρώτα με ειδικά τροποποιημένα νανοδομημένα υλικά με βάση τον άνθρακα (νανοσωλήνες, γραφένιο) και ακολούθως θα προσδεθούν στην επιφάνεια των υπό τροποποίηση ινών (σε μορφή νήματος ή/και υφάσματος).
Η διεπιστημονική κοινοπραξία διαθέτει όλα τα εχέγγυα για την επιτυχή πραγματοποίηση των στόχων του έργου: εκτεταμένη εμπειρία, αξιοπιστία και ικανότητα στη διαχείριση καινοτόμων διεπιστημονικών ερευνητικών έργων, εμπειρία στην ανάπτυξη πρωτοποριακών τεχνολογικών εφαρμογών και επάρκεια υποδομών. Επιπλέον, το συνεκτικό και αποτελεσματικό σχέδιο εργασίας που έχει καταστρωθεί, σε συνδυασμό με τη σωστά σχεδιασμένη οργανωτική δομή και τις κατάλληλες διαδικασίες διαχείρισης του έργου, διαβεβαιώνουν για την επιτυχή υλοποίησή του.
- R. Canton-Vitoria, N. Heliopoulos, N. Boukos, S. Vasilakos, D. Siamidis, K.
Stamatakis, N. Tagmatarchis, “Covalently modified Kevlar fabric incorporating graphene oxide with enhanced antibacterial properties and preserved strength”, Chem. Eur. J. 2023, 29, e202301400.
DOI: 10.1002/chem.202301400 - E. Frousiou, Ε. Tonis, G. Rotas, A. Pantelia, S. G. Chalkidis, N. Heliopoulos, A.
Kagkoura, D. Siamidis, A. Galeou, A. Prombona, K. Stamatakis, N. Boukos, G. C. Vougioukalakis, “Kevlar®, Nomex®, and VAR modification by small organic molecules anchoring: Transfusing antibacterial properties and improving water repellence”, Molecules 2023, 28, 5465.
DOI: 10.3390/molecules28145465 - E. Tonis, E. Frousiou, N. Heliopoulos, A. Kagkoura, C. Stangel, R. Canton-Vitoria,
S. Vasilakos, D. Siamidis, A. Galeou, K. Stamatakis, A. Prombona, N. Boukos, N. Tagmatarchis, G. C. Vougioukalakis, “Kevlar® and Nomex® modification via 2,4-dihydroxybenzophenone anchoring improves water repellency and induces antibacterial and UV protection properties”, Mater. Today Chem. 2023, 33, 101695.
DOI: 10.1016/j.mtchem.2023.101695 - E. Tonis, E. Frousiou, N. Heliopoulos, A. Kagkoura, C. Stangel, D. Siamidis, A.
Galeou, A. Prombona, K. Stamatakis, N. Boukos, N. Tagmatarchis, G. C. Vougioukalakis, “VAR fabric modification: Inducing antibacterial properties, altering wettability/water repellence, and understanding reactivity at the molecular level”, ACS Omega 2023, In press.
DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.3c05552 - I. K. Sideri, N. Tagmatarchis, “Chemically modified carbon nanostructures and 2D nanomaterials for fabrics performing under conditions of operational tension and extreme environmental conditions”, Mater. Horiz. 2021, 8, 3187.
DOI: 10.1039/d1mh01077h
- Sideri, I. K.; Canton-Vitoria, R.; Vasilakos, S.; Siamidis, D.; Tagmatarchis, N. “Kevlar fabric covalently modified with graphene nanosheets”, Carbon 2023, Cancun, Mexico, July 16 – 21, 2023 (Poster Presentation).
- Sideri, I. K.; Canton-Vitoria, R.; Vasilakos, S.; Siamidis, D.; Tagmatarchis, N. “Covalent Functionalization of Kevlar Fabric With Graphene Nanosheets”, 243rd ECS Meeting, Boston, USA, May 28 – June 2, 2023 (Poster Presentation)
- Sideri, I. K.; Kagkoura, A.; Stangel, C.; Vasilakos, S.; Siamidis, D.; Perimenis, P.; Heliopoulos, N. S.; Tagmatarchis, N. “Hybridization of Fabric Fibers With Functionalized Carbon Nanomaterial-Carriers of Enhanced Qualities Against Critical Operational Conditions”, International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials – IWEPNM, Kirchberg, Austria, March 18–24, 2023 (Poster Presentation)
- Kagkoura, A.; Stangel, C.; Vasilakos, S.; Siamidis, D.; Perimenis, P.; Heliopoulos, N. S.; Tagmatarchis, N. “Chemical modification of carbon nanostructures with enhanced qualities for fabrics performing under critical operating conditions”, 355th International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials 2023 (IWEPNM2023), Kirchberg, Austria, March 18-24, 2023 (Poster Presentation).
- Sideri, I. K.; Kagkoura, A.; Stangel, C.; Vasilakos, S.; Siamidis, D.; Pavlidou, S.; Perimenis, P.; Heliopoulos, N. S.; Tagmatarchis, N. “Chemically modified carbon nanostructures as carriers of enhanced qualities for fabrics performing under critical operational conditions”, XXVI Pan-Hellenic Conference on Solid-State Physics and Materials Science, Heraklion, Crete, September 26-28, 2022 (Poster Presentation).
- Frousiou, E.; Tonis, E.; Rotas, G.; Vougioukalakis, G. C. “Tailor-Designed Small Molecules for the Modification of Aramid Materials Kevlar and Nomex”, Athens Conference on Advances in Chemistry 2022, Athens, Greece, June-July 2022 (Poster Presentation)
- Sideri, I. K.; Vorvila, M. –L.; Stergiou, A.; Kafetzi, M.; Pispas, S.; Arenal, R.; Tagmatarchis, N. “Engineered Graphene Featuring Covalently Incorporated Amphoteric Imidazole Rings and Electrostatically Immobilised Polyacrylic Acid Chains for Selective Electrochemical Hydrogen Peroxide Production”, NT22: The 22nd International Conference on the Science and Applications of Nanotubes and Low-Dimensional Materials, Suwon, Republic of Korea, June 19-24, 2022 (Poster Presentation)
- Kagkoura, A.; Stangel, C.; Vasilakos, S.; Siamidis, D.; Pavlidou, S.; Iliopoulos, N.; Perimenis, P.; Tagmatarchis, N. “Chemically Modified Carbon Nanostructures as Carriers of Enhanced Qualities for Fabrics Performing Under Critical Operational Conditions”, NT22: The 22nd International Conference on the Science and Applications of Nanotubes and Low-Dimensional Materials, Suwon, Republic of Korea, June 19-24, 2022 (Poster Presentation)
- Sideri, I. K.; Tagmatarchis, N. "Covalently Functionalized MoS2 with Dithiolenes” Graphene 2021, Grenoble, France, October 26-29, 2021 (Oral Presentation)
- Sideri, I. K.; Heliopoulos, N. S.; Zikos, T.; Siamidis, D.; Vougioukalakis, G. C.; Tagmatarchis, N. “Innovative Industrial Materials with Advanced Multifunctionality, Prolonged Lifetime and Improved Performance Against Environmental Conditions for Versatile Protective Equipment” Athens Conference on Advances in Chemistry 2020, Online conference due to the COVID-19 outbreak, March 2021 (Oral Presentation).
- Rotas, G.; Pantelia, A.; Frousiou, E.; Tonis, E.; Chalkidis, S. G.; Vougioukalakis, G. C. “Small Molecules for the Preparation of Modified Aramid Fibers with Improved Properties” Athens Conference on Advances in Chemistry 2020, Online conference due to the COVID-19 outbreak, March 2021 (Oral Presentation).
- Presentation of PROTECT to 45 high school students visiting the Department of Chemistry of NKUA (November 30th, 2022)
- Participation of PROTECT in 2022 European Researchers Night (September 30th, 2022)
- Participation of PROTECT in 2021 European Researchers Night (virtually)


Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Institute / National Hellenic Research Foundation
Dr. Nikos Tagmatarchis (Coordinator and Principal Investigator)
Ms. Ioanna K. Sideri (PhD student)
Dr. Christina Stangel
Dr. Antonia Kagkoura
Dr. Ruben Canton-Vitoria

Department of Chemistry / National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Prof. Georgios C. Vougioukalakis (Principal Investigator)
Dr. Georgios Rotas (postdoctoral researcher)
Mr. Savvas Chalkidis (chemist – researcher)
Mrs. Marianna Danopoulou (chemist – researcher)
Mrs. Fay Frousiou
Mr. Dimitrios Giannopoulos (chemist – researcher)
Mr. Efstathios Tonis (chemist – researcher)

700 Military Factory
Colonel (LOG) Theodoros Zikos (Project director until 07/06/2021)
Colonel (LOG) Petros Perimenis (Project director since 08/06/2021)
Lt Colonel (IT) Nikolaos Almalis (Committee member)
Dr Nikolaos Heliopoulos (Committee member)
For details and inquiries, please contact the Project Coordinator
Dr. Nikos Tagmatarchis